Student Testimonials

Here are some testimonials written in the form of reference letters by my students. The guidance I gave them was “Imagine a principal is calling you and saying ‘I’m considering Ms. Strug for a job at my school. Should I hire her?” Please pardon them their occasional spelling or grammar errors. Their mistakes do not belie their earnestness!

Spring 2015: I gave them the following introductory text: To Whom It May Concern: Miss Strug was my fifth grade language arts teacher during the 2014-2015 school year. Everything else was left up to them.

Strug Recommendation – GB

Strug Recommendation – AZ

Strug Recommendation – JH

Strug Recommendation – RM

Strug Recommendation – ET

Fall 2011: I gave them the following introductory text:  To Whom It May Concern: Miss Strug was my seventh grade social studies teacher during the fall of 2011. Everything else was left up to them.

Strug Student Recommendation Letter 1

Strug Student Recommendation Letter 2

Strug Student Recommendation Letter 3

Strug Student Recommendation Letter 4

Strug Student Recommendation Letter 5